US Presidential Election 2024 – Super Tuesday decides for Trump and Biden for Presidential Finalist

06 MAR 2024

Donald Trump winning big over Nikki Haley in Super Tuesday for GOP Republic Primary Presidential Nominee

US Presidential Election 2024 – This time again, reality is not much far from predictions. Donald Trump from Republicans and President Biden from Democrats side dominated in ‘Super Tuesday’ primary elections. President Biden swept the Democratic contests leaving the caucuses in American Samoa, a U.S. territory, where he lost. On Republican side, former US President Donald Trump Trump swept the majority of Republican primary contests and remained the master blaster winning all except one i.e. Vermont State where Nikki Haley was the 1st best choice of the voters.

Voters from more than dozen states have cast ballots for their choice of party’s presidential nominee on Tuesday.

“We have a great Republican Party with tremendous talent, and we want to have unity, and we’re going to have unity, and it’s going to happen very quickly,” Trump said.

US Presidential Election 2024 – Another easy and big win for Donald Trump in Super Tuesday polls

Donald Trump won 47 delegates and Nikki Haley won support from 3 delegates. Media and people are reading this victory of Trump as easy win while on other side Nikki Haley, who served as the governor of South Carolina from 2011 to 2017, got 39.5% votes and remains the only major challenger to former president Donald J. Trump who remains in the race. As per Haley, she intends to remain in the race through Super Tuesday on March 5.

Donald Trump won following primaries with support from whopping 804 Delegates for US Presidential Election 2024 –

  • Alabama – 50 Delegates
  • Alaska – 29 Delegates
  • Arkansas – 39 Delegates
  • California – 169 Delegates
  • Colorado – 24 Delegates
  • Maine – 20 Delegates
  • Massachusetts – 40 Delegates
  • Minnesota – 27 Delegates
  • North Carolina – 62 Delegates
  • Oklahoma – 43 Delegates
  • Texas – 161 Delegates
  • Tennessee – 58 Delegates
  • Utah – 40 Delegates
  • Virginia – 42 Delegates

US Presidential Election 2024 – Nikki won her first state – Vermont and total 50 delegates from Super Tuesday elections

Nikki Haley won her first state i.e. Vermont and support from 9 delegates. Earlier in 03 Mar elections, she was declared as winner for the District of Columbia’s GOP primary Saturday and had got support from 19 delegates.

She was seen leading in 3 counties namely – Richland, Charleston and Beaufort. Trump succeeded highest votes in rest of the counties, greatest count in Cherokee and Dillon (85% Votes) and Union (84% votes).

On Trump’s call for party unity without taking name of Haley, Oliva Perez-Cubas, national spokesperson for Haley’s campaign mentioned, “We’re honored to have received the support of millions of Americans across the country today, including in Vermont where Nikki became the first Republican woman to win two presidential primary contests.” She also said, “Unity is not achieved by simply claiming ‘we’re united.’ Today, in state after state, there remains a large block of Republican primary voters who are expressing deep concerns about Donald Trump. That is not the unity our party needs for success. Addressing those voters’ concerns will make the Republican Party and America better.”

Trump had mentioned on social site Truth Social for Haley, “Much of her money came from Radical Left Democrats, as did many of her voters, almost 50%, according to the polls.” He also wrote,“BIDEN IS THE ENEMY, HE IS DESTROYING OUR COUNTRY. MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!!!” 

Delegates so far after Super Tuesday election results

US Presidential Election 2024 – Donald Trump has secured support from total of 1080 delegates so far through 24 States and Caucuses elections so far. On the other hand, Haley is having support from 50 delegates.

“Uncommitted” Warning for both Trump and Biden

High number of uncommitted votes sign towards rough sailing for both Trump and Biden in US Presidential Elections 2024.

For Biden, his biggest warning sign was from Minnesota, where an “uncommitted” ballot option in the Democratic primary is more than 20 percent , with just under 60 percent of votes reported. The main root cause was Democratic discontent with Biden’s handling of the Israel-Hamas war.

While the States Virginia and North Carolina decided finally in favor of Donald Trump, but for him the worries are from exit polling from NBC News that showed more than 30 percent of voters in both states saying they would not vote for Trump if he was convicted of a crime. Trump was also not or less favored by college-educated voters in the two states, according to the same exit polling.

Read our earlier story: New Hampshire gives nod to Trump

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