US Presidential Election 2024 – US President Joe Biden wins South Carolina Democratic Primary

US Presidential Election 2024 – Out of total 3.226 million registered voters in South Carolina Democratic Primary, General turnout was merely lesser than 4.5% i.e. 1.312 lac votes. Within this small turnout, voters awarded 96.22% of their votes to US President Joe Biden for South Carolina’s Democratic primary preference for US President in 2024.

Joe Biden got all the 55 delegates from 46 counties South Carolina state.

South Carolina Result summary - US Presidential Election 2024 - Democratic Presidential preference

US Presidential Election 2024 – Small voters turnout, but big victory in South Carolina Democratic Primary

US Presidential Election 2024 – While eyes will be on to know who is the Republican Presidential preference since South Carolina state is firmly entrenched in the Republican camp as Red State. In 2020 US Presidential election, Donald Trump had got 55% votes by securing 1.385 million votes to defeat Joe Biden who had received 43% .

Now, on Saturday’s election for South Carolina Democratic Primary, general turnout was not more than 4.5%, however, clearly Joe Biden came out to be the best choice of the voters.

US Presidential Election 2024 – Joe Biden got majority votes in all 7 congressional districts, all 46 counties of South Carolina

Considering all the seven districts – 46 counties election voting, Average 96.22% votes favoring Joe Biden shows he is the people’s only best choice among Democratic presidential preferences. By are large, everywhere the voting percentages to Biden shows that he is going to be the strongest candidate from Democratic camp. In all the county, Biden secured between 95-98% votes.

US Presidential Election 2024 – Joe Biden’s Official Campaign

In official campaign for Presidential election, Joe and Kamala Harris are running for re-election. In their campaign video, they have shared their vision for America. The tagline is ‘Together, We can finish the job for the American People’. He has shared a video to share his vision with the American voters. (Visit: Official Website Joe Biden Campaign for US Presidential Election 2024)

In his last week’s tweet on 02nd Feb, he mentions, “This morning we got more proof that America’s economy is the strongest in the world. 353,000 new jobs were created in the month of January. That matters. Wealth, wages, and employment are higher now than before the pandemic, and I won’t stop fighting to keep our progress going”.

Before, he had signed an Executive Order allowing the Unites States to issue sanctions against those who direct or participate in acts of violence against civilians in the West Bank, including extremist settlers.

US Presidential Election 2024 – Williamsburg received highest turnout, while Cherokee had lowest turnout

On highest side, there was 12.28% voting turnout in Williamsburg, wherein Joe Biden was conferred the maximum 97.18% votes.

On the lowest side, Cherokee remained the county giving just 1.64% votes out of 32762 registered voters. Here too, Joe Biden remained strongest preference with 95.91% votes to his credit.

Marianne Williamson secured 2nd position pushing Dean Phillips at 3rd

With total 2.1% votes, Marianne Williamson remained 2nd best choice for Democratic President from South Carolina Primary. Besides politics,she is also an American author and speaker. In Michigan Church, she began her career as spiritual leader.

In her latest tweet to her supporters and American voters, she said, ” This country is drowning in information and starving for understanding.”

Williamson at Launch Event. Photo from official website Marianne Williamson

Marianne Williamson, at Launch Event. Photo Courtesy: Official Website

She is the author of New York Times Best Seller Book in 1992 ‘A Return to Love: Reflections on the Principles of A Course in Miracles.

Her latest television interview was viral where she says what makes her cry about America – Children suffering, 600000 people are homeless every night, messing up by provoking Iran etc.

Dean Phillips received 1.7% votes in all to come in 3rd position. He received more % votes as compared to what Marianne Williamson got in just 2 counties, namely, Abbeville and Saluda, however, total votes turnout in these counties were few only.

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After Donald Trump was elected President in 2016, Dean ran for Congress in Minnesota’s 3rd District, flipping the district by 11 points as the first Democrat to win the suburban Minneapolis district in 60 years. His Wake Up America advertisement was quite popular. As per his official website, Dean’s plan is to create an affordable America that brings us peace at home and abroad.

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