Trending-Viral : World Great leaders message on ‘Happy New Year 2024’

Trending-Viral : 01st Jan 2024 World’s Great Leaders message


Trending-Viral : The start of the year and it is worthwhile to see what message our great leaders pass on to the world. No surprise, there are lot of events happening around the world, some countries are in confrontation mode, while some are equally pressing and mediating to bring in peace. A quick review of world’s prominent leaders speak in their messages of ‘Happy new year 2024 wishes’.

Joe Biden

Joe Biden, America – He expressed hopes “everybody has a healthy, happy and safe New Year. He said. “But beyond that, I hope that they understand that we’re in a better position than any country in the world to lead the world”.

Donald Trump, America

As the New Year fast approaches, I would like to wish an early New Year’s salutation to crooked Joe Biden and his group of radical left misfits and thugs on their never-ending attempt to destroy our nation through lawfare, invasion and rigging elections,” Trump said in the post.”They are now scrambling to sign up as many of those millions of people they are illegally allowing into sour (sic) country, in order that they will be ready to vote in the presidential election of 2024.”


President Putin, Russia

“The thing that unites us is the fate of the motherland and the deep understanding of the highest importance of the historical stage through which Russia is passing,” President Putin said.

Vladimir Putin addressed the military separately and said, “You are our heroes, we wholeheartedly support you. We are proud of you, we admire your courage.” Putin described 2024 as the “year of the family” in front of the traditional backdrop of the Kremlin.

Xi Jinping2

President Xi Jinping, China-

We achieved a smooth transition in our COVID-19 response efforts. The Chinese economy has sustained the momentum of recovery. Thanks to years of dedicated efforts, China’s innovation-driven development is full of energy.  Each and every ordinary Chinese has made an extraordinary contribution! You, the people, are the ones we look to when we fight to prevail over all difficulties or challenges. China will surely be reunified, and all Chinese on both sides of the Taiwan Strait should be bound by a common sense of purpose and share in the glory of the rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.

Our goal is both inspiring and simple. Ultimately, it is about delivering a better life for the people.  Conflicts are still raging in some parts of the world. We Chinese are keenly aware of what peace means. We will work closely with the international community for the common good of humanity, build a community with a shared future for mankind, and make the world a better place for all.


PM Modi, India – A “splendid 2024”. “Wishing everyone a splendid 2024! May this year bring forth prosperity, peace and wonderful health for all.


KISHIDA Fumio, Japan – In the message of new year wishes, he said, “I want to make 2024 the year in which we break completely free of the deflationary mindset and orientation towards shrinking through cost-cutting that has enveloped the Japanese economy. We will first and foremost safeguard people’s daily lives from the current rise in prices”.

It is heartbreaking though, on the 1st day itself, An earthquake with a preliminary magnitude of 7.4 hit north central Japan, post which “The Japan Meteorological Agency” issued a tsunami warning along coastal regions of Ishikawa, Niigata and Toyama prefectures. More news awaited with hopes of faster recovery and normalcy.


Zelensky, Ukraine – Another year of our independence. Another year of our fight for independence. Another year of war. War for our land. For our freedom. For each other. The major result of the year, its main achievement: Ukraine has become stronger. Ukrainians have become stronger.  I am proud of every Ukrainian warrior. As long as you stand, Ukraine stands. I know how courageously and heroically you defend us. You are holding back the evil that has become even greater. But it couldn’t do anything more. The war taught us a lot. It showed us a lot. It did a lot to us, changed us.

I wish you, your families, your loved ones, and all your dear ones warmth and good health.

To those who have a dear heart, may they live long. To those who have lost them, may they remain in your hearts.

To loved ones – time. As much time as possible.

To children – fulfillment of your wishes.

To all people – human happiness.

And to our Ukraine – victory and peace.

E Macron

Emmanuel  Macron, France – . “2024, a year of determination, choices, recovery, pride. In fact, a year of hope. France will continue to “re-arm” itself when it comes to security matters, but also boost public education and social cohesion. He also mentioned about hosting  33rd Olympic Games and Paralympic Games and about Cathedral Notre Dame in Paris reopening after disastrous fire.


President Ebrahim Raisi, Iran – In his new year message, He expressed hope for the cessation of the massacre of people in Gaza and for sustainable world peace in 2024. He also said ‘I hope that on the eve of 2024 and in the light of the joint efforts of world leaders, we will see immediate action by the international community to stop these killings, to eradicate oppression and hegemony, and to establish lasting peace and security around the world”.

Let’s hope for everyone’s best health and prosperity in 2024.

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