US Presidential Election 2024: Trump wins New Hampshire Republican Primary, 12 Delegates

In the US Presidential Election 2024 Republican’s President nomination race, Donald Trump won the New Hampshire Republican primary held on Tuesday the 23rd Jan 2024. As seen through the voters choice in their more than 2.8 lac votes in New Hampshire, Donald Trump is expected to achieve 55% comfortably while Nikki Haley, his only top-tier rival in the GOP race, is seen getting 44% votes. Out of total 22 delegates, Trump has secured 11 so-far om New Hampshire Primary results. Nikii Haley gets 8 delegates so far.

Earlier this week, Donald Trump has spent good time in New York to sit in court. In spite of that, Donald Trump win shows his strong foothold in Republicans and New Hampshire voters.

NH Republic Primary Voting Results shared by wsj

Image shows NH Republic Primary Voting Results as shared by wsj.

Detailed Results of the voting can be seen at wsj

Ron DeSantis and Vivek Ramaswamy had earlier declared that they were not continuing in the President race but interestingly they still have received around 2.6k votes in total out of which 2k belongs to Ron DeSantis. There were 2.92 lac votes in total for New Hampshire Republican Primary.

As declared by both of them, they are going to endorse ‘Donald Trump nomination’ in this election. Ron Desantis had earlier said in a video “It’s clear to me that a majority of Republican primary voters want to give Donald Trump another chance.” “While I have had disagreements with Donald Trump, such as on the coronavirus pandemic and his elevation of Anthony Fauci, Trump is superior to the current incumbent, Joe Biden. That is clear.”

Recent polls indicated that Donald Trump is the first choice of most of the New Hampshire Voters. In that senses, the win of Donald Trump came in with no surprises.

Monmouth University-Washington Post Poll : Poll results shows great advantage to Donald Trump (54%) as compared to other candidates like Haley (34%) and DeSantis(8%). After DeSantis exited from the election, his supporters are expected to support Donald Trump.

Similarly, Donald Trump seen leading against other candidates in another poll conducted by ‘The Suffolk University Political Research Center’ that has been covering Presidential Primaries and General Elections in New Hampshire for over a decade. The field was conducted January 20-21, 2024, and is based on live telephone interviews.

Nikki Haley congratulated Donald Trump on his win, saying he “earned” it – and looks ahead. “New Hampshire is first in the nation. It is not the last. This race is far from over.” She was speaking at her Concord Watch Party .

Nikki also said in her latest speech in Concord, I’ve got bad news for the political establishment. I’m not going anywhere…except to my sweet South Carolina. We’re not going to let them coronate Donald Trump when 48 states haven’t voted.

Credits to X and for NH Primary night remarks

After Trump’s first win at IOWA caucuses, New Hampshire becomes his 2nd win in 2024 Presidential election series. See IOWA result: IOWA caucuses selected Trump

Separately, Biden in Democratic front, seen taking lead through ‘Write-In’. However, most of the polls shows Biden having weak support from nearly all of the Democrats’ key constituencies. This may make it hard for staying in re-election bid for Joe Biden. Notably, Biden did not do campaigning in New Hampshire.

President Joe Biden did not put his name on the ballot and the Democratic National Committee (DNC) has stripped the state of its delegates to the convention even going so far as to declare the contest “meaningless”. Several NH Democrats have launched a write-in campaign for Biden.

Besides Biden, other important declared presidential nominees from Democrats are Dean Phillips, Marianne Williamson, however still, as against Trump, a strong face from Democratic side is missing except of Biden.

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