Trending-Viral : Japan Earthquake and Tsunami – Time to be stronger than ever

Trending-Viral : Japan earthquake and Tsunami

Japan Earthquake

Trending-Viral : While the world was still celebrating the new year eve, on the very first day of 2024 which is a public holiday in Japan when millions of Japanese traditionally visit temples to mark the new year, Japan Meteorological Agency issued a tsunami warning along coastal regions of Ishikawa, Niigata and Toyama prefectures.

Courtesy: X and its user
Courtesy: X and its user

Pic Courtesy: and X

Following the warning, A powerful earthquake struck Central Japan , with magnitude of 7.6 triggered waves of about 1 metre along Japan’s west coast and neighbouring South Korea. As per the reports, The quake also jolted buildings in Tokyo, some 500 km from Wajima on the opposite coast.

Russia and North Korea also issued tsunami warnings for some areas along-with the western coast.

Why Japan gets such stronger earthquakes and Tsunami?

It is so because of its geographical location, Japan is situated along the ‘Pacific Ring of Fire’, which is the most active earthquake tectonic belt in the world. It is known to be most active since at this point, many tectonic plates meet such as Pacific Plate, Philippine Sea Plate, and Eurasian Plate. The magnitude of an earthquake is related to the length of the fault on which it occurs. That is, the longer the fault, the larger the earthquake.

Japan Earthquake
Japan Earthquake
Japan Earthquake

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