Lisa Frankenstein review – A 13m$ weird science film this valentine

Lisa Frankenstein – Kathryn Newton starrer film gets mixed bag of reviews

Lisa Frankenstein review: Released for public since 09th Feb in America, 50% Rotten Tomatoes and 48% Meta Critic is the summary from the overall reviews. As expected from the pre-launch promotions, the film couldn’t leave best impression on majority of the audiences.

Diablo Cody wrote this film story who had gained lot of fame through her story writing in film Juno in 2007 that earned Academy Award and also the BAFTA Award. Other famous film from her story writing was Jeniffer’s Body – an american horror-comedy film.

Naomi Kyle spoiler free review on Youtube, : She attended the premiere to have fun and got an amazing opportunity to attend the Premiere and shared some awesome footages in her video. 8.5/10 ratings by her to the film. She mentions that this fun film is worth watching.

Violent, Sexual content but not R rated film

Lisa Frankenstein – a directorial debut by Zelda Williams , is rated PG-13 for violent content, bloody images, sexual content, language, sexual assault, teen drinking and drug content. Its running time is 101 minutes. Plenty of audiences believe that the film should have rated R due to scenes having specific pleasure device as well as body parts being chopped off.

Short of expectations set by Pre-Film teasers and trailers

Trailers released had set high hopes for “Lisa Frankenstein,” for a lead performance from Kathryn Newton. However, this fell short of expectations and didn’t realized well, at least, as seen from the reviews posted by various users. Though, it is pertinent to mention here that on Google, there are good number of high rating reviews that offers a great reason to someone for watching the file at least once this Valentine week. Many reviewers shared comments like – Best trailer worst movie.

Reviews with 5 Star ratings

Simply reproducing below some of the reviews given by audiences on Google after watching the movie. At google, audience rating summary tagline is 50% Rotten Tomatoes. 240 ratings the average rating is 4.2

  1. I saw the movie today and it’s so freaking funny!!!! my favorite part was the back massage bed scene lols and my fave quote is when Lisa said “They say ‘Time heals wounds’ but actually, ‘Time is the wound.” They all did an amazing job! Great Work!!!..Reviewer: Catherine Salvador
  2. LITERALLY TRAUMATIZED 😳😬😳😬😳😬 don’t get me wrong the trailer made it look great and the actors were in phenomenal but the plot, let’s just say I’m seriously concerned for whoever wrote this. The characters were unique to say the least, but the scenes were something else. I liked the eighties vibes, but the beginning of the plot was slow and the characters were extremely unrealistic. Only watch this if you are prepared for trauma, nightmares, blood and graphic images. Basically the entire plot was choppy and left many pieces of characterization events out. not to mention we never found out the truth about what happened to her mom, also why was i leaving the theatre thinking that the father and step-sister were going to end up together? We’ll anyway, it’s not wonder I was one of three people in the theatre…Reviewer: Violet Baker
  3. Knew nothing about this movie but gave it a shot. Was definitely well worth the money and time. I could watch this movie at least 2 more times. Hidden humor in there that I wasn’t expecting. Definitely one of my favorites within the last 5 years…Reviewer: Joe Sedillo
  4. The movie is beautiful. I’m not a fan of 80’s horror comedy films, but when it comes to the movie Lisa Frankenstein, I was really amazed. I like the characters of Lisa and Taffy. They portrayed their roles so well. Cole Sprouse is also funny in the scene. Henry aka Michael is cute too. Overall 10/10…Reviewer : Yieshael Jane Bo
  5. Had so much fun watching this! Watched it twice XD It’s meant to be enjoyed. Great actors – especially Kathryn Newton (Lisa) and Liza Soberano (Taffy).The mom was great too! Beautiful set & costumes – definitely brought me back to the 80’s. Watch it! Just enjoy and don’t take life too seriously :)…Reviewer : Rukia05
  6. It’s fun, dark, and unexpected. It has humor that’s very well-suited for young viewers but that doesn’t mean the adults won’t enjoy it. Kathryn is funny and has comedic humor, Cole did very great despite few lines on the movie, and Liza was spectacular. She’s really meant to do English Movies. For a debut Hollywood movie, she literally exceeded what I expected from her. It’s as if she’s done it for years. To those who haven’t watched, it’s worth it!!!… Reviewer Cosmic Chaos Gaming
  7. Honestly everything about this movie is so refreshing to see nowadays in the “remake” era of hollywood. its nice sometimes to just see a simple plot of a romantic-comedy with no more of a deeper message behind it or anything political, just for fun. i would consider it to be a known concept with a fresh take on things while still being very funny and having its own original vibe to it. the comedy and satirical acting of the movie was spot on, the outfits and aesthetic is just so pretty and pleasing to the eye which i would say would be appealing to goths/emos/alternative people, etc. such a shame that this movie hasnt been advertised enough…Reviewer: Poop Fart
  8. I feel like this movie was made for a specific audience, there’s no in between you either love it or don’t. I personally loved this movie, it was far from serious and it was a very weird movie (which is a compliment). I do wish they would have delved more into the monster’s point of view. Everything from the outfits to the sets was absolutely satisfying. This was sort of a deranged monster love story and it was absolutely amazing! This movie sort of reminded me of the corpse bride but reversed and even more intense. This is definitely one of my favorite movies released this year!…..Reviewer: Carmen Rendon
  9. I loved “Lisa Frankenstein”. it was a real “movie” movie. Wonderfully acted, especially by the two leads; some good misdirection worked nicely; more subtly then you’d expect where an adorable, sexually eager girl is in bed with an adorable, dead guy and a vibrator. You can miss the punchline if you’re not paying attention – but it occurs when Lisa’s dad and evil step mom were arguing and you just hear a little “Oh my god!” coming from upstairs. I thought it was nothing like Edward Scissorhands . I don’t think it attempted to be. Lisa Frankenstein is a unique girl meets dead guy story and I thought it was done beautifully . Moving, funny, clever and – yes, relatable, too…. Reviewer: One_Broken_Shoelace 5
  10. I honestly loved this movie. It gives off a “Weird Science, Frankenstein” kinda vibe but in a good way. Zelda Williams made her first director debut with this one and with how she did just for her first movie, I can’t wait for more to come in her catalog of future films. The movie also had the director of Jennifer’s Body backing in up as well, and where as I like that movie a little better, this one still holds its ground as a dark comedy of sorts. It is not as much scary but has some funny bits that I don’t recommend your children seeing at a young age, especially scenes involving a specific pleasure device as well as body parts being chopped off to be added to the boyfriend. Cole and Kathryn played their parts perfectly, as well as the rest of the cast. Highly recommend it if you want a fun and campy kind of dark comedy this year and Valentines Day…Reviewer: Sam Iam
  11. This is a good fun horror flim with some gore and a shadow of a boys body part will be seeing again when on disk my fav moive after trolls 3 and five nights at Freddy’s form last year great bloody fun and good watch for a starter scary moive isn’t that scary but watch out for the ads will be played during this if u don’t wnat your littile one hearing the f word 3 times form Abigail wait untill it’s on disk 109/10 thanks cinemark for showing this the ending is sad btw! This is a jr ver of it(pennywise the dancing clown) a boy loses his hand in the start of the flim someone gets hit by a typewriter and there dead body loses a ear great time on feb 9th of e yestday went to the 2:00 pm showing but warning for Abigail and the 1st onmen ads! I say check it out for your self 1st and think about letting your kids watch it I loved this flim but I have anixtey and I fanit to overly scary stuff but this was ok! I am now allowed to watch Megan 1.0 and Megan 2.0 so yeah check it out! It was gonna be rated r but cutted out some parts that was overly not apportion for kids hopefully my grade goes see this this qutar so much fun! As a special needs kid/sensitive kid I aboustey loved this horror flim not to much kissing but a lot of blood and some gore that may gross kids out but perfect for the sensitive ones…5 stars Roarr World
Lisa 1-Star Rating review comments
  1. Teen movies have always had this deranged way of thinking. This is a complete deranged way of thinking. This main character eske thinking is despicable. Worst move I’ve ever seen by far. The story is terrible. That means it over shadows the sets, the acting, everything. Clearly nobody understands outcasts and misfits when they write tinnitus inducing characters that are unlikable and annoying. Why can’t a coming of age movie not be about a toxic relationship or falling in love with someone or SOMETHING you shouldn’t fall in love with? Why can’t it not have this deranged way of thinking? It’s unlikeable, the main characters are always obsessed with falling in love and with the wrong person. It’s ridiculous and repetitive. This trope has never been a good one. Why do the main character ALWAYS NEED to be in a relationship? I don’t want to seem extra or rude but we should stop settling for bubble gum bull writing. This is not not a safe way to think or act. It’s deranged and disturbing. What kind of weird happy go lucky fantasy is this? When I said push the limits to horror I didn’t mean THIS!…Reviewer: Michael Pyles
  2. One of the best trailers but worst movies I’ve ever seen. No plot, seemingly good actors that were turned bad. Not sure how this movie got maid. The music was the only good part.. Reviewer: Melinda Moore
  3. Should be rated R. Too rough for PG13. The nastiest most perverse movie ive seen. Took my three teenagers 15 and two 17 years old. We had to leave early. DON’T WATCH YOU’LL LEAVE WITH LOWER IQ..Reviewer: mdtm Maye
  4. A little bit of spoilers for the movie*** I think Cole Sprouse did an excellent job in the movie. He portrayed the character really well. I also liked Lisa’s sister in this. She was very kind to her even though she thought Lisa was weird. I didn’t like the movie overall. I felt like the character for Lisa tried too hard to be edgy or an outcast. I didn’t like her character for him. She seemed so over the top with everything and then tried to push all the blame on him for the killings when she literally was fine with it the whole time. The dad was horrible. He acted as if his wife dying wasn’t a big deal and didn’t care how his new wife spoke to his daughter. And the fact he was overprotective of the step daughter but not his own, that alone was a bad character trait… Reviewer Kathryn Holland
  5. The trailer made it look amazing but honestly the movie is too raunchy to be PG-13. People were walking out with their teenage daughters because they were uncomfortable. I’m a married woman and there were parts that made me uncomfortable. I wanted to love this movie so bad. I’m so sad it’s not was portrayed. There are a ton of wholes in the plot line and so many questions you leave with. The plot is messy and the characters are really one dimensional. Again this movie is BARELY qualified to be a PG-13 it honestly should have been an R…Reviewer Morgan Holker
Medium Rating review

3.5 out of 5, on a good day. Lisa Frankenstein The Zelda Williams directed dark comedy, Lisa Frankenstein, is set in 1989 and the movie loves to remind you of this. 80s pop culture, clothing, trends and technology are mentioned so many times, it gets a bit tedious. The film has enough comedy coming from the main plot that I’m not sure why this needed to be added. The story revolves around the titular Lisa who is living with her father, stepmother and stepsister not long after her mother was brutally murdered in a home invasion. The fact her father remarried so soon is glossed over, especially since the stepmother is a terrible, terrible human being. Lisa, a loner at her new high school, spends a lot of time at an abandoned cemetery speaking over the grave of a young man who died in the mid nineteenth century. When lightning strikes the grave, the young man, who isn’t fully named, rises from the dead, as one does, and searches out Lisa to help reassemble some of the body parts that are missing from his reanimated corpse. This film takes mutilation and murder, and makes them both satisfying and hilarious. The supernatural aspect makes one suspend their disbelief, but the crimes could happen. What does it say about me that I gleefully applauded some of the more grisly aspects? After Lisa’s mother’s death, her damaged psyche is not treated with comfort and love, but with a crazy insistence that she should just get over it. My writing always seems to drift into the defense of mental illness, and this is no exception. I suspect that the death of Robin Williams affected Zelda’s choices as the director, and I applaud the use of dark satire to get the point across. The ending of the film didn’t quite come together, however. The train wreck, that Lisa and the deceased became, definitely went further off the rails and then came to a screeching halt. I have questions that won’t be answered, and I hate it when movies do that. Don’t be smarter than me, movie! This would be a solid 7.5 or 8, but that ending and too many self aware 80s references bumped it down for me. I liked it though; dark humor is a favorite genre of mine… Reviewer: Christopher Malmevik.

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